It's very easy to set up Account with Instagram and it brings you while browsing the Instagram Feeds and its reels. But some time you thought to Delete or Deactivate your Instagram Account.
We have prepared a detailed article About " How to Delete or Deactivate your Instagram Account" , with Step-By-Step Process.
How to Delete or Deactivate Your Instagram Account in your PC
When you decide to break from Social Media like (Instagram, Facebook,) then instead of deleting your Instagram account , you can deactivate your account features, so you won't loss your Posts , Followers. If you wanted to delete your account, it is important to download all your Instagram data , including your posts like (Post, Photos, Reels or Videos) or take a backup of your data for your content in case of change your mind or switch to another platform in future.
Firstly open your browser in your pc and search for Instagram login and click on the search box
When you click on that link to land on login page of Instagram. Fill your login details like your "Username & Password" , After filling all Details click on Login.
After Login, you are at your Instagram Feed, on Left side there is many options, Click on "Three Dotted line" and then you see "Setting" option on the top Click on it.
After Click on "Setting" you will see a option at Top that is "Personal Details" and Click on it.
When you click on the "Personal Details" you will see there is three options on the screen, click on the option "Account ownership and control" and Proceed.
After clicking on "Account ownership and control" option on its Sub-section, you will see the next option called " Deactivation or Deletion" , click on this and proceed.
When you proceed on next page, you will see "Profile of yours" , under Deactivation or Deletion and click on your "Profile".
After Clicking on your Preferred option you land to the security page where you re-inter your password and click on continue.
After this you will see options asking for- why you want to Deactivate or Delete your Account , pick one that option as per your preference and click on continue.
After this , you will see the last step that is confirmation, click on the option and Proceed. Your account Will be Either Deactivate or Delete as per your Preference.